Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Bagless vacuums. Are they as great as you think?

Are bagless #vacuums as great as you think they are?

The answer is, no way jose.

Sure, you save money on bags but what about those pesky filters?  They get filled with dust and eventually starts to warp.  Dumping out the can is another headache.  Ever pour out the dirt into your garbage can and see the dust fly back into the air?  Everything you just vacuumed up just went back into the air you breathe.

We get in bagless repairs in all the time.  They all have the same problem.  No suction, loud motor noises and most of all filthy dirty.  So when that vacuum has written on the side, WILL NEVER LOSE SUCTION, they lie!

So before you think about buying that bagless vacuum, think twice about how #clean you really think your home will be.

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